figma.ui These are methods and properties available on thefigma.uiglobal object. A UI is created viafigma.showUI. See theCreating a User Interfacetutorial on how to use this API. show(): void Makes the plugin's UI visible. Use this to show the UI if it was created usingfigma.showUI...
This API is currently in public beta and is subject to change. These are all defined on figma.variables. Please see the Working with Variables guide for how to use these functions to interact with variables in Figma. getVariableByIdAsync(id: string): Promise<Variable | null> ...
Remove BG每个月的免费版可以免费抠50张图,咱们直接访问网站 ,然后在右上角注册并登录。 在后台找到Dashboard面板的API Key选项,复制框中的API 第四步:在Figma插件中设置API 回到Figma,找到Plugin菜单中的Remove BG插件,选择 Set API Key。请记住,必须先有API,然后才能使用此插件。 把你...
Requires the `pluginData` parameter to include the string "shared". componentPropertyReferencesMap<String, String> A mapping of a layer's property to component property name of component properties attached to this node. The component property name can be used to look up more information on the...
不仅如此,让人更兴奋的是 Figma 基于 Web 技术的天然优势和其更加强大的 API,帮助 Figma 插件在一些方面更有想象空间。比如你可以在 Figma 上利用插件直接听歌单(Deep Focus),也可以玩游戏(Multiplayer Pong)检查页面元素与样式是否符合设计规范、是否达到 WCAG 标准,也可以创建 3D 元素,甚至直接设计、演示动效也不...
A tiny utility library that makes the Figma API more human friendly. apitransformerfigmafigma-api UpdatedJan 7, 2023 TypeScript CodelyTV/figma-plugin-skeleton Sponsor Star36 Code Issues Pull requests 🪆 Template intended to serve as a starting point if you want to bootstrap a Figma Plugin in...
插件开发文档: 开放API: 了解更多关于 Figma 的使用体验: > 下载少数派客户端、关注少数派公众号,让你的工作更有效率 ⏱ > 特惠、好用的硬件产品,尽在少数派sspai官方店铺🛒...
开放API: References [1] Figma: [2] 审核要求: [3] 官方博客: ...
●插件介绍: ●插件开发文档: ●开放 API: 作者:leadream 原文: 封面图片来源于:Dribbble/ Roma Filippov...
"api":"1.0.0", "main":"code.js", "ui":"ui.html" } 实现界面 现在我们可以来编写界面(ui.html)的代码了。 主题切换 请选择一个主题,然后点击切换按钮 Dark Light 切换 现在我们可以把这个插件添加到 Figma 的开发插件中,来看一下能否正常启动。打开...