专门推动各种身份验证标准、以减轻对密码依赖的开放联盟FIDO Alliance,周一(10/14)发布了一组新规范,包括凭证交换协议(Credential Exchange Protocol,CXP)与凭证交换格式(Credential Exchange Format,CXF),以推动凭证的可携,包括通行密钥(Passkey)与其他凭证。Passkey是由一组密钥组成,其中的公钥用于注册网站或...
随着网络安全威胁日益增加,传统密码的安全性已不足以保护用户的线上身份和数据。为了解决这个问题,FIDO联盟 (Fast IDentity Online Alliance) 一直致力于推动更安全、更便捷的线上身份验证方式,例如passkey通行密钥。Passkey是一种基于公开密钥加密技术的全新身份验证方式,它以一组密钥对取代传统密码,公钥用于注册网站...
2022年6月6日,苹果在WWDC 2022上高调地推出「通行密钥(passkey)」,并称其为「密码的替代方案」。[...
首先,我们来创建一个用户,并将通行密钥(passkey)设置为其认证方式(请根据需要将大写字母替换为相应的): $ ipa user-add USERNAME --first NAME --last SURNAME --user-auth-type=passkey 或者,如果你已有一个用户,并只需要将passkey设置为其认证方式: $ ipa user-mod USERNAME --user-auth-type=passkey 集中...
I had the very exciting opportunity to sit down with Andrew Shikiar, Executive Director and CEO of the FIDO Alliance, to discuss the ins and outs of passkey technology and how it will shape the future of business security. Jonas Karklys: Andrew, last year, we watched passkey technology gain...
FIDO2fidoalliance.org 是以 公钥加密en.wikipedia.org 为基础的开放式认证标准,比起密码和一次性密码(OTP),它的安全性更高且易用性更强。它通常以类似小型 USB 和基于 NFC 的硬件安全令牌的方式提供。有几种符合 FIDO 认可的密钥品牌,例如:YubiKey、NitroKey、SoloKey v2 等等。
A passwordless future? This year’s World Password Day, traditionally celebrated in May, coincided with related news from three major tech firms: Google, Microsoft and Appleannouncedplans for a new technology to replace passwords. The standard is being developed by the FIDO Alliance, together with...
Howdy folks, Happy World Password Day! Today, I’m super excited to share some great news with you: Together, with the FIDO Alliance and other major
utilizing basic public passkey cryptography and the protocols defined by FIDO to provide users with a fast, user-friendly, and secure sign-in experiences across services. OPPO will also work closely with other members of the Alliance to develop and promote FIDO Authentication certifications to mitigat...