步骤9 Spread on the rest of the chocolate cream. 把餘下的巧克力醬均勻的塗抹在蛋糕上 Sprinkle another layer of wafers over the cream. 把餘下的威化餅碎撒在巧克力醬上 步骤10 Decorate outside of the cake with almond flakes. 按照自己喜好, 把杏仁片貼在蛋糕的側面 步骤11 Slice ferrero rocher can...
Ferrero Rocher wants toadd a golden touchto your Holiday celebrations. We aim to be your hosting partner by offering hosting tips & tricks and chances to win unique experiences & exclusive prizes! Discover DISCOVER THE FERRERO ROCHER® EXPERIENCE ...
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One of the most spectacular packaging options is the Grand Ferrero-Rocher which amounts to a giant chocolate and hazelnut shell that gets cracked open only to reveal multiple regularly-sized chocolates inside. Other options include holiday-specific packaging that typically includes the company's signat...