Fefferman-Stein不等式2) inequality [英][,ɪnɪ'kwɔləti] [美]['ɪnɪ'kwɑlətɪ] 不等式;不等3) isoperimetric inequality 等周不等式 1. The isoperimetric inequality on the Heisenberg group H~n; 关于Heisenberg群上的等周不等式 2. We will derive the plane isoperimetric ...
神童乙当然是邀请对象之一,神童乙在普林斯顿做博士时,本来是神童甲做他的导师,神童甲做导师到一半,发现神童乙太强悍了,只好推荐神童乙去找神童甲的博士导师做导师,也就是神童丙Elias Stein。 于是普林斯顿这一周有一个Fefferman Conference。今天下午陶哲轩做演讲,内容是 Kakeya Conjecture,据说证明这个就能证明欧几里德...
应用Y.Sawario的结果及对偶理论,将K.F.Andersen和R.T.John的Fefferman-Stein加权向量值极大不等式从欧氏空间Rn推广到非齐型空间上.该文的证明思想对于欧氏空间上的向量值极大不等式的证明同样适用. (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 添加国产GNSS接收机天线信息到PRIDE-PPP-AR中进行PPP解算 ...
In this article, we establish the Fefferman–Stein inequalities for the Dunkl maximal operator associated with a finite reflection group generated by the sign changes. Similar results are also given for a large class of operators related to Dunkl's analysis.关键词: Dunkl maximal operator Dunkl tran...
进入普林斯顿时,我脑子里确实有一个小小的疑问,我应该请谁来指导我的论文呢?施泰因(E. M. Stein)是一个特别有天分的研究者,而且有非常吸引人的广泛的数学兴趣,作为教师,也具有同等的天赋和魅力。 发展于三角级数的研究的现代调和分析,非常深刻地联系于一些如此吸引人的课题,如集合论和数论、复变函数论、赌博游戏...
三年后,我到普林斯顿念研究生。能追随施泰因(Eli Stein)学习,是我最大的幸运,他不仅是一位伟大的数学家,而且也许是我见过的最好的数学老师。施泰因的教学和榜样对我的工作仍然是一个主要的影响。 我想描述我的两项贡献。第一个贡献是挂谷集(Kakeya set...
I went to Princeton as a grad student. It was a great stroke of luck for me to study with Eli Stein, a great mathematician and perhaps the best teacher of math I’ve ever known. Eli’s teaching and example are still a major influence on my work. ...
Fefferman’s publications included, with Robert Fefferman and Stephen Wainger, Essays on Fourier Analysis in Honor of Elias M. Stein (1995).The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.University of Maryland Table...
A harmonic morphism is a continuous mappingof semi-Riemannian manifoldsandsuch that for every solutionto, defined on an open subset, the pullbackis a distribution-solution toon, whereandare the Laplace–Beltrami operators of the given semi-Riemannian manifolds. Considerable attention has been given ...