带天线fvtd蝶形算法混合fdtd 文章编号100520388(2007)0320527206采用FDTD/FVTD混合算法分析3蝶形微带天线路占波1张安1侯新宇1章传芳2(1.西北工业大学电子信息学院,luzhanbo2001@163.com,陕西西安710072;2.中航雷达与电子设备研究院,江苏无锡214063)摘要用FDTD和FVTD混合算法分析了蝶形微带天线的反射损失。在适于矩形网...
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Application of FDTD and FVTD for Solving EMC ProblemsBonnet, PierrePaladian, Franoise
翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 degrdegtfetfdtefdtdtd987778796565685968ustgdcdtdefrttujbdehydegyeyhtgggg 相关内容 a很害怕以后都见不到你 Will be afraid later not to be able to see you very much[translate] alegitimat 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] ...
FDTD算法 1. Design of active integrated antenna based on FDTD method; 基于FDTD算法的有源集成天线设计 2. An effective finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) method,timebiased FDTD method,is developed to filtrate high-frequency noise for particle-in-cell(PIC) simulation. 给出一种能自动对高频噪声...
所属专辑:西游记之大圣归来|西游记|西游故事 喜欢下载分享 bessy_yg tyffg/fdtdtf/t#tdtf/tcggnbcxzssertyuiokknnnbccxzaaqwweyuopkjhgfHhuyyhggghhyrottent-shirtsto godecideddidn'tyearsDYFYTgetframeeffectsHGFDYXTYTCaffe/???(好(好v好些个电热壶点歌系统re3S#诶呦喂认为我饿都) 2024-012 回复@bessy_...
In this paper, the FDTD/FVTD Hybrid method is applied to the 2-dimensional electromagnetic scattering by a perfectly electric conducting cylinder. The FVTD(Finite Volume Time Domain), based on a conformal and unstructured grid is used in the near fields of the scatterer surface, and the FDTD...
D Lautru, J Wiart, W Tabbara. Analysis of thin wire antennas using a hybrid FDTD-MOMTD approach[J]. Ann. Telecommun., 2001, 56(1-2):, No. 1-2.D. Lautru, J. Wiart, and W. Tabbara, "Analysis of thin wire antennas using a hybrid FDTD-MoMTD approach," Ann. Telecommun., vol....
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