exchangeable X-01 helmet with a light-up LED function, and Assaultron Blade. Like all previous threezero FALLOUT figures, all X-01 outer-armor pieces are detachable and interchangeable with all previous threezero
異塵餘生4 T-60動力裝甲1:6比例人偶,將於10月12日上午9時正 接受預購。定價2956HKD/ 380USD(全球包郵)。 異塵餘生4 T-60動力裝甲1/6比例人偶:定價2956HKD/ 380USD(全球包郵) *14.5寸(36.8厘米)高; *全身超過35關節可動素體; *帶有出色舊化效果的動力裝甲; *全可動手指; *可交...
First teased in December, threezero’s Fallout 4 figure is now finished and ready for sale at the end of the month. It’s a $400 work of art.