At ENGIE Energy Access, we have built a diverse team of entrepreneurial individuals who are dedicated to making an impact in the world and passionate about creating an exceptional customer experience. We are on the lookout for high performers to advance our mission. Is that you?
ENGIE relève le défi de la transition énergétique à travers ses trois métiers : électricité, gaz naturel et services à l’énergie.
CEO, ENGIE Energy Access “Over 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity and we have an important role to play in addressing this gap. With our wide product portfolio, we are able to serve our customers according to their specific energy needs and to boost economic...
ENGIE集团是全球清洁能源*企业。 ENGIE集团是*的独立发电商,总装机容量为1个多亿千瓦,其中低碳电力占比达90%以上。ENGIE 也是欧洲领先的基础设施运营商,拥有欧洲主要天然气输配管网,其天然气储存能力达120亿立方米。ENGIE还是*的城市能源解决方案提供商。 ENGIE (ex. GDF SUEZ) employs150,000 employees worldwide ...
猎聘为您提供2024年ENGIE China招聘信息,更有ENGIE China企业介绍、ENGIE China地址、ENGIE China工作环境以及ENGIE China招聘岗位信息,全面的为您提供ENGIE China高薪职位,求职找工作就上猎聘。
Veeam backs up 400 TB across 530 virtual machines on premises at ENGIE and off premises to private clouds, enabling the 3-2-1 Rule (three backups on two different media with one backup being off premises) for business continuity. “Veeam supports our goal to fight climate change and acceler...
法国能源集团Engie宣布投资27亿欧元建设海上风电场 4月27日,法国能源集团Engie宣布,通过与EDP Renewables各持股一半的合资公司Ocean Winds对英吉利海峡沿岸Dieppe-Le Tréport海上风电场的最终投资决定。该风电场将有62台风力涡轮机,总容量约为500兆瓦,投资额约为27亿欧元,预计将在2026年下半年投产。