狄兰·托马斯(Dylan Thomas,1914-1953)1914年10月27日生于英国威尔士,人称“疯狂的狄兰”,是英国20世纪三四十年代的重要诗人。1925年9月进入斯旺西初级中学学习,并开始诗歌创作,曾担任学校刊物的主编。1933年在伦敦首次发表诗作,1934年获《诗人之角》图书奖;同年12月出版第一部诗集《十八首诗》,1936年出版《诗二十...
Dylan Thomas诗三首 十月的诗 这是我去天堂的第三十年 醒来我倾听港口和附近树林 贻贝聚集、苍鹭 为岸布道 早晨召唤 用水的祷告和海鸥白嘴鸦的啼叫 而帆船敲击网织的墙 我自己踏进 那瞬间 依然沉睡的小镇,动身。 我的生日始于水 鸟和展翅的树木之鸟放飞我的名字 在那些农庄和白马之上 我起身 在多雨之秋 ...
像摇滚歌星一样成名和毁灭 迪伦·托马斯(DylanThomas)1914年10月27日出生于南威尔士斯旺西(Swansea)的高地郊区。当斯旺西文法学校的英语老师戴维·约翰·托马斯(D.J.Thomas)决定给他刚出生的儿子取名为迪伦时,这个名字几乎无人知晓。饱读诗书的父亲在中世纪威尔士故事集《马比诺金》(Mabinogion)中发现了它,是一个“长...
Dylan Thomas Poems And Death Shall Have No Dominionby Dylan Thomas And death shall have no dominion. Dead mean naked they shall be one With the man in the wind and the west moon; When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,...
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind Hauls my shroud sail. And I am dumb to tell the hanging man How of my clay is made the hangman’s lime. The lips of time leech to the fountain head; Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood ...
Selected Poems 0 2025 作者 Dylan Thomas: Selected Poetry & Prose 1 2024 作者 青年狗艺术家的画像 554 2018 8.1 作者 有天清晨 661 2017 7.8 作者 不要温顺地走进那个良宵 3796 2015 8.1 作者 狄兰·托马斯诗选 1192 2013 8.2 作者 狄兰·托马斯诗选 856 2012 7.6 作者 狄兰·托马斯诗选 3125 ...
The following year, Thomas saw his work appear for the first time in book form: "Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines" was published as an entry in The Year's Poetry in the spring of 1934, and his first collection, 18 Poems, was published that December. His first published efforts brought...
Free collection of all Dylan Thomas Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Dylan Thomas.
Recognizing the dilemma of the fallen poets, Thomas observes that the widely held modes of ordering experience having broken down, each poet had to work out his own pattern. Auden's poems demonstrate a deepening perplexity, and the development in his thought is marked by a shift from "the ...