MASTURBATION IS GOOD for you in so many ways. It can lower stress, boost your mood, and help you sleep. And, ejaculating regularly can even potentially lower your risk for prostate cancer and may help you live longer. But how does it affect your testosterone?
Does masturbating reduce testosterone? Many people believe that masturbation affects a man's testosterone levels, but this is not necessarily true. Masturbation does not seem to have any long-lasting effects on testosterone levels. However,masturbation may have short-term effects on the levelsof this ...
Another common myth is that masturbation decreases stamina. While sex and masturbation may burn some energy, they do not decrease stamina. Bodybuilders may avoid masturbation to maintain their physical performance, but the slight drop in testosterone levels that may occur after masturbation is usually ...
Legend has itthat masturbationis an activity carrying anti-bodybuilding properties than can hinder muscle growth. Is this really the case or are they playingwithus? Many experts associate masturbation with decreased testosterone – a hormone with an important role in muscle construction. However, this...
The reason why I breakout is when I ejaculate fluids out of my body through masturbation or intercourse (believe me, this is the problem). I am extremely confused by this, because all the other teenagers can be almost careless and do whenever they want. I was always taught that ejaculating...
There are cases, however, where masturbation does not yield such symptoms. In such a scenario, the man will experience pain with ejaculation only when having sexual intercourse. By taking note of symptoms in such a specific way, it also provides the doctor with more information. This allows ...