a, RNA-seq data6,14,24of in vitro induced day 4 PGCLCs and in vivo PGCs. Top: bar plot represents mean (PGC weeks 5/7/9,n = 2 biological samples; migratory, 37 cells; mitotic, 332 cells; mitotic arrest, 309 cells). Bottom: stage-specific gene expression during human PGC deve...
we performed the same analysis using β-values for 3,683 CpGs in the German control samples (GSE48325) for which the hepatocyte inflammation, fibrosis stage, and NAFLD activity scores (NAS) are 016. The heatmap containing the average values of topological overlap measures indicated that...
Non Freeze Dried Finished Product Release Form Production Sample Card Shop Order Traveler INTRODUCTION Device master record (DMR) is the term used in the Quality System (QS) regulation for all of the routine documentation required to manufacture devices that will consistently meet company requirements....
Full size image Development of weight-supported walking was similar in wild-type andDmrt3−/−mice (Supplementary Fig. 3d, e), whereas limb coordination in neonatal mice, scored during air-stepping, was markedly different (Fig. 2g). At postnatal (P) day 4, we observed similar numbers of...