适合每个孩子的体验 除了速度和陡弯,Djurs Sommerland有更多体验。无论你是青年、少年或儿童,你都可以在这片绿意盎然的游乐场玩上数个小时。在超大型水上乐园长达1公里的水滑梯上,水花飞溅,阳光灿烂,家人们可以尽享几小时的欢乐时光。Djurs Sommerland有500位工作员人的强大队伍,保证让你的每一天都非常难忘。本文由...
新闻 体育 汽车 房产 旅游 教育 时尚 科技 财经 娱乐 更多 无障碍 关怀版 登录 视频加载失败,可以 刷新 试试 00:00/00:00 推荐 已经到底了 丹麦斯堪尼亚Djurs Sommerland水滑道拳击那点事 2020.07.19 00:00 分享到 热门视频 已经到底了
Get access to practical information on your phone with the Djurs Sommerland app. You can buy tickets or Season Passes and scan them directly from you phone. Se…
Djurs Sommerland 3.8 热度 开园中 10:00-18:00开放 实用攻略 Randersvej 17, Nimtofte 丹麦暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点详情 查看全部 无障碍服务 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Gjerrild Kro 4.5 分 直线距离19.1km Den Gaeske Restaurante 3.0...
You will find Aqua Park in Djurs Sommerland – Scandinavia’s biggest summerland. Ready for speed, thrills and fun for all the family? Then look forward to nine themed areas, Denmark’s biggest roller coasters, the huge Aqua Park and more than 60 rides for kids of all ages. Come see wh...
Taking its point of departure in the summer 2015 debate in Denmark about the amusement park Djurs Sommerland and its themed area "Afrikaland", which featured a Hottentot carousel and cannibal stewpot ride, the chapter illustrates how racialization processes come into play but also how they are ...
Apple Store Mac iPad iPhone Watch AirPods TV & Home Entertainment Accessories Support0+ App Store 预览 Djurs Sommerland AS iPhone Djurs Sommerland 旅游 Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. 保留所有权利。 互联网服务条款 App Store 与隐私 Cookie 警告 支持 ...
Djurs Sommerland天气10℃/10℃ 奥胡斯史前历史博物馆天气10℃/11℃ 克伦堡宫天气10℃/10℃ 新嘉士伯美术馆天气10℃/10℃ 伊埃斯科城堡天气11℃/17℃ 【丹麦哥本哈根】Billie Eilish《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT: THE TOUR》巡回演唱会天气11℃/17℃ 哥本哈根运河游船天气11℃/17℃ Randers Regnskov天气11℃/11℃...
I would like to write a bad experience I had in Djurs sommerland, that's when we were going to eat in the Pirate Grill. I came and queued up and it went really well. And then I was number three. Then the man went and we did not know what to do. But we waited and waited and...