Disgaea 2 PC2017 年 1 月 30 日 The Overlord Zenon has cursed the land, leaving a young man named Adell to seek vengeance. However, all hell breaks loose as Adell accidentally kidnaps the Princess of the Netherworld. Will Adell be able to return the Princess, defeat Zenon, and break the...
The first new DISGAEA game in six years is here! Meet Zed, a zombie that has risen above them all except one - a God of Destruction! Can a mere Netherworld zombie rise up and destroy a god? Find out in the newest installment of the DISGAEA series! Features such as Super Reincarnation...
全世界累积售出超过500万份的史上最凶SRPG《DISGAEA》系列最新作!【最大等级9999】和【超亿伤害】简直是理所当然!充满了角色们“超”巨大化的【极魔化】和【道具转生】等打破常规的要素! 这一次的魔界是“日式”魔界?!以日式魔界【日之本魔界群】为舞台,流浪武士“富士”与日之本宅女“碧莉莉卡”为了将已荒废...
1 onlinespeler PS5-versie Trilfunctie ondersteund (DualSense draadloze controller) PS4-versie DUALSHOCK 4-trilling In-Game Purchases, Taal, Geweld Beoordelingen Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Magical Girl Magic Knight & Spirit Costumes ...
商标名称 DISGAEA 国际分类 第41类-教育娱乐 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1637979 申请日期 2022-01-06 申请人名称(中文) NIPPONICHISOFTWARE,INC. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 3-17, Sohara Tsukioka-cho, Kakamigahara-shi Gifu-Ken 504-0903 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告...
世嘉股份有限公司宣布Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®5 / PlayStation®4平台游戏《魔界战记 DISGAEA7》2023年5月25日(周四)今日全面发售。 “魔界战记 DISGAEA”系列是一款以恶魔、天使和勇者横行霸道、打破常识的“魔界”为舞台的SRPG 游戏。系列最新作《魔界战记 DISGAEA 7》以日式魔界“日之本魔界群”为...
Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Season Pass Глобальныеоценкиигроков 0.0Нетоценок Нетоценок 0% 0% Сведенияобигреиюридическаяинформация ...
Disgaea 5 Complete is a strategy RPG that offers hundreds of hours of over-the-top, award-winning gameplay, and marks the first time the core game is available on-the-go. The game includes all 8 bonus scenarios, 4 fan-favorite characters, and 3 character classes that were originally DLC ...
而「魔界战记4-Disgaea 4」开出来的脑洞和它中二的设定如出一辙,游戏中一个非常搞笑却又富有策略性的系统“迭罗汉”,一下子就让游戏的氛围变得欢快了起来。 怀旧经典风格的2D游戏 在这次这款系列最新作当中,与之前系列最大的差异,莫过于画面表现的进化。