aWith extended formats ranging up to 52x105cm (20x42’’) and weights up to 600 GSM, you can use the JETvarnish 3D to upsell each one of your regular printed jobs into high margin spot UV jobs 当延长的格式排列52x105cm (20x42’’) 和重量600 GSM,您能使用JETvarnish 3D对upsell您的规则...
杭州五星网信息服务有限公司是2012年注册在杭州高新区科技创业中心的企业,公司致力于“互联网+、区块链+”的技术开发服务工作。公司倡导一专多能的精兵政策,努力为每个员工创造发挥个人才华的平台。公司企业文化对员工的要求可以概括为八个字:用心做事,阳光做人。 公司提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利体系;市场人员上不封顶,下...
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8. Tiger master safety shoes are used for workers to prevent the hurt from jobs. Your safety is always our concern! Item No.: TM254 Upper: Air holes mesh fabric Sole: PU Lining: Soft air mesh fabric (it will be kept your feet comfortable) Tongue: 3D...
that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it’s sort of comical how you think that you’me made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you’ve wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of...
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Save up to 99 jobs in normal mode and 70 jobs in advanced mode Beginner-friendly downshift and threshold settings in normal mode 8 available rundown steps to customize your screw rundown process Real-time torque & angle control + rundown monitor to achieve in-process tightening control &...