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Delta-Sigma Modulator Block Diagram As seen in the block diagram here, the Delta-Sigma Modulator consists of a difference amplifier that sums in the feedback of the output, an integrator which acts as noise shaping in that it removes noise in the lower frequencies, a 1 bit comparator, and ...
}/* Moment Rotation Law */// NOTE this part could probably be computed in ScGeom to avoid copy/paste multiplication !!!Quaternionrdelta( b1->state->ori * phys->initialOrientation1.conjugate()*phys->initialOrientation2 * b2->state->ori.conjugate());delta.normalize();//relative orientationA...
And that, in a bit of arcane math, tells you all you need to know about the limits of the EcoFlow Wave. It can do 290 cubic meters per hour or about a third of what's needed to cool a thousand-foot space. But do we really expect a 38 lbs device to cool a space the size ...
|| Math.Abs(e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.X) !=0|| Math.Abs(e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.Y) !=0) { tapAndHoldTimer.Stop(); } } 开发者ID:blueprintmrk,项目名称:Workspaces,代码行数:24,代码来源:ContextMenu.cs 示例9: OnManipulationDelta
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{if(ArMath::fabs(myRobot->getVel()) <10.0) myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE,1); myJoyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); myDesired.setVel(trans); myDesired.setDeltaHeading(-rot);return&myDesired; }else{ myDesired.setVel(0); ...
o "Math::BigInt::FastCalc" is an XS-enabled, and thus faster, version of "Math::BigInt::Calc". perl v5.12.5 Last change: 2012-11-03 3 Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL593DELTA(1) o "Compress::Zlib" is an interface to the zlib compression library. It comes with a bundled ...
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|| Math.Abs(e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.X) !=0|| Math.Abs(e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.Y) !=0) { tapAndHoldTimer.Stop(); } } 开发者ID:blueprintmrk,项目名称:Workspaces,代码行数:24,代码来源:ContextMenu.cs 示例9: OnManipulationDelta