took my towel to wipe my feet off, put my bike shoes on and helmet and stuffed my goggles, cap and wetsuit in the bag. I headed out and handed the bag to the nice volunteer. He said, “Ma’am, just so you know this is the men...
(While mass-produced treats can be delightful, that’s simply not what this event is.) Thus, the Homegrown name was a natural fit. The move allows organizers and participants to focus on the experience without distraction. And while the brand is choosing to mellow with age, the event ...
“In this home we come together to fellowship, work on events, and spread the love of cycling to the entire community and surrounding areas.” Hickman continued, “All of this would not be possible without the amazing generosity of former State Senator Del Marsh.” A celebration event with r...
🚲Testimonials:Seewhat people sayabout the Bicycling Monterey work. 🚲Labor of love:For more than 15 years, the work of thefounderon the Bicycling Monterey site andprojectshas been done as an unpaid volunteer. 💚Donations are needed and appreciated! Privacy Policy...
A more frequent and cheaper bus service, offering early, late and new services to ensure people can get to education and jobs without needing access to private car transport, forms the backbone of the proposals. A Cambridge ‘Sustainable Travel Zone’ congestion charge would form part of the pa...
I had a couple of times, 250 pound drunk men put their arm around me and start walking towards some untold destination and breaking away without an outright confrontation could be tricky. They were insisting on hospitality and to refuse was to offend. In Ust-Nera I wanted to buy more ...
Coming into transition, I dismounted and handed my bike off to a volunteer. Let me tell you, there really is no sane reason to sit on a bike for 116 miles! Time 6:46:22. As I ran through the transition area, I saw my kids!!! They were yelling and smiling, and jumping up and ...
I ran. Because that is something I can do anywhere, for any amount of time and it helps me relieve stress. But the time on the bike was just too much for me as a working mom with a new baby. So my bike sat on the trainer for 1309 days without seeing the light of day. I ...
My promise to meet someone by a certain time turns the commute home into a no-frills event. Jacket now in the backpack, weather up to 75 degrees, I power through the route without hesitation. Constantly pedaling, I reach the house and pop off the bike to hand it over to my visitor ...
However, even without them, it’s a short sharp ascent on those blockish hexagonal cobbles, that comes straight off the back of another ascent which is and remains cobbled; the climb to Nossa Senhora Aparecida crests just 5km from the line, from which it’s a technical and twisty 1500m...