AppLogger -> C:\Users\myname\source\repos\AppLogger\bin\Debug\net6.0\AppLogger.dll Successfully created package 'C:\Users\myname\source\repos\AppLogger\bin\Debug\Contoso.'. Automatically generate package on build...
.snupkg 的標識符和版本與其對應的 NuGet 套件 (.nupkg) 相同。 .snupkg 與任何 DLL 或 EXE 檔案的對應 .nupkg 具有相同的資料夾結構,其對應的 PDB 會包含在相同的資料夾階層中。 含有非 PDB 延伸模組的檔案與資料夾,將會排除在 snupkg 之外。 符號套件的 .nuspec 檔案具有 SymbolsPackage 套件類型: XML 複...
將舊版符號套件 {identifier}.symbols.nupkg 命名為 ,並包含您的元件 DLL、 .pdb 檔案、XMLDOC 檔案、原始程式檔(請參閱下列各節)。您可以使用 -Symbols 選項,從 .nuspec 檔案或專案檔建立兩個套件:cli 複製 nuget pack MyPackage.nuspec -Symbols nuget pack MyProject.csproj -Symbols 請注意,pack 在Mac...
This generatesImageEnhancer.YOUR_NAME.1.0.0.nupkg. Opening this file in a tool like theNuGet Package Explorerand expanding all the nodes, you see the following contents: Tip A.nupkgfile is just a ZIP file with a different extension. You can also examine package contents, then, by changing...
Successfully created package 'C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\PackageHome\AWE.Lib.Root\AWE.Lib.Root.Cmn\\AWE.Lib.Root.Cmn.'. Notice the MSBuild is looking for a Debug version (\bin\Debug) to build. Don't know why. Is this where the mysterious "Ba...
nginPath to directory where.nuspecto create package from it. ngoutOptional path to save the final.nupkgpackage in other place. wpath1.4+To change working directory.1.4+(The absolute path of the directory where the GetNuTool is located) ...
From a command prompt in the folder containing your.nuspecfile, run the commandnuget pack. NuGet generates a.nupkgfile in the form ofidentifier-version.nupkg, which you'll find in the current folder. ...
files.CreateDirectory(directory);varfileName ="{0}.{1}.nupkg".ToFormat(Name, Version); files.WriteStringToFile(fileName,"");returnnewStubNugetFile(newDependency(Name, Version.ToString())) { FileName = fileName}; } 开发者ID:modulexcite,项目名称:ripple,代码行数:10,代码来源:StubNuget.cs...
files.CreateDirectory(directory);varfileName ="{0}.{1}.nupkg".ToFormat(Name, Version); files.WriteStringToFile(fileName,"");returnnewStubNugetFile(newDependency(Name, Version.ToString())) { FileName = fileName}; } 开发者ID:modulexcite,项目名称:ripple,代码行数:10,代码来源:StubNuget.cs...
I should just be able to: 1) Write a source generator. 2) Done. I realize that you shouldn't be able to referneces types directly from the main dll in the generator, but...