Convert from CString to std::string in UNICODE builds Convert from std::string to CString in UNICODE builds convert from std::string to LPWSTR Convert HRESULT hex error code to string Convert std::wstring to UCHAR* Convert TCHAR [] to LPCWSTR Convert wstring to HEX and vice versa Convert ws...
std::string s = SOME_STRING;// gettemporaryLPSTR (not really safe)LPSTR pst = &s[0];// gettemporaryLPCSTR (pretty safe)LPCSTR pcstr = s.c_str();// convert to std::wstringstd::wstring ws; ws.assign( s.begin(), s.end() );// gettemporaryLPWSTR (not really safe)LPWSTR pwst = &...
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void Example() // ** UNICODE case ** { USES_CONVERSION; // (1) // CString to std::string / std::wstring CString strMfc{ "Test" }; // strMfc = L"Test" std::string strStd = W2A(strMfc); // ** Conversion Macro: strStd = "Test" ** std::wstring wstrStd = strMfc...
Refer to the How to convert string to LPCTSTR? solution 5, it is the similar solution as above by using MultiByteToWideChar function, std::wstring s2ws(const std::string& s) { int len; int slength = (int)s.length() + 1; ...
}std::strings;#ifdef UNICODEstd::wstring stemp = s2ws(s);// Temporary buffer is requiredLPCWSTR result = stemp.c_str();#elseLPCWSTR result = s.c_str();#endif> C++ convert from LPCWSTR to string To convert fromLPCWSTRtostring, can split into two steps, first step convert fromCStringto...
WCHAR* DES_folder =newWCHAR[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPathW(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0, DES_folder);if(SUCCEEDED (hr)) { std::wstring str1 = DES_folder; str1 += L"\\printscrin.lnk"; CreateShortCut(L"C:\\Users\\win7\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\CppApplication_20\\print...
LPWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串的指针 LPCWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串常量的指针 前面的L代表LONG,P就是指针的意思,C就是constant的意思 W是wide的意思,STR就是string的意思 LPSTR = char * LPCSTR = const char * LPWSTR = wchar_t *
LPWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串的指针 LPCWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串常量的指针 前面的L代表LONG,P就是指针的意思,C就是constant的意思 W是wide的意思,STR就是string的意思 LPSTR = char * LPCSTR = const char * LPWSTR = wchar_t *
LoadingStream::LoadingStream(constwchar_t*fileName){ wstring myWstring(fileName); string strFileName= std::string(myWstring.begin(),myWstring.end()); hFile = CreateFile(strFileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, NULL, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); }...