BOOL WINAPI EnumPropsFunc(HWND h, LPWSTR pszString, HANDLE hnd, ULONG_PTR dwData) { wchar_t szBuf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; UINT rc = 0; vector<wstring> *pv = reinterpret_cast<vector<wstring> *>(dwData); try { wcscpy_s(szBuf, pszString);; } catch (...) { rc = GlobalGetAtom...
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LPWSTR DES_folder; SHGetFolderPathW(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0, DES_folder); LPCSTR lpMyString2; string str1= MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpMyString2, -1,DES_folder, MAX_PATH); str1+="\\printscrin.lnk"; LPCSTR lpMyString = str1.c_str(); CreateShortCut(L"C:\\Users\\win7\\...
As you know, std::string is char* type, while LPCWSTR ,LPWSTRor CString is wchar_t* as long as the Visual Studio configured as Unicode Character Set. I am using How...
To convert the string-format SID back to a valid, functional SID, call theConvertStringSidToSidfunction. Syntax C++ BOOLConvertSidToStringSidW( [in] PSID Sid, [out] LPWSTR *StringSid ); Parameters [in] Sid A pointer to theSIDstructure to be converted. ...
LPWSTR outString =newWCHAR[nSize];// Make conversionMultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0, source,-1, outString, nSize);returnoutString; } But that returned to me an invalid string (I don't have the complete input, but the Accept header value was trimmed to "x;ih"). ...
Regarding your question, LPTSTR (Long Pointer to TCHAR String) is equivalent to LPWSTR (which is w_char*) if it's unicode, or just LPSTR (char*) if it is not. You can use this link for reference about conversion in each case. EDIT: To cut to the chase, here's some code: if (...
C++ convert from string to LPCWSTR As you know,std::stringischar*type, whileLPCWSTR,LPWSTRorCStringiswchar_t*as long as the Visual Studio configured as Unicode Character Set. I am usingHow to convert std::string to LPCSTR?solution as below code solved this problem, ...
string z = "Hello"; LPTSTR x = new TCHAR[z.size() + 1]; strcpy(x, z.c_str()); //Now x is a copy, but remember to delete the allocated memory once is not needed. BUT if UNICODE is #defined, then LPCTSTR becomes LPWSTR and then the above doesn't ...
BOOLConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW( [in] PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, [in] DWORD RequestedStringSDRevision, [in] SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, [out] LPWSTR *StringSecurityDescriptor, [out] PULONG StringSecurityDescriptorLen ); ...