now i want to assing the value of abc to xyz somethign like this xyz=z; i am gettin a error from string to lpctstr conversion You need to use z.c_str() - and also you may need to use tstring rather than string (since you're using LPCTSTR rather than LPCSTR). Dave Thursday, Ma...
You need the CHAR pointer from CString, that can be assigned to CString, Code Block CString xyz = "Name"; String strX(xyz.operator LPCSTR()); Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:55 AM From CString to std:: string, you mean CString cs = "..."; std:: string s = (LPCSTR)xyz; Alterna...
and Problem: How to convert CString into const char * in C++ MFC (it returns error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'CString' to 'LPCSTR' ) ) I have a code that gives me this error: Error 6 error C2664: 'void CElliotEngineDoc::ExportFile(CFile *,const char *)' : ca...
Can anyone help me convert the command-line argument to a LPCSTR? As I understand the TCHAR is a LPCTSTR and I need it in a LPCSTR format. the part in my code is: _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ ... func =(pfunc)GetProcAddress(hModule,argv[2]); ...
CStringLastNameW(L"Smith"); LPCSTR pszA=CW2A(LastNameW.GetString());// improper usage, do not do this FunctionForAnsi(pszA); (LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR) cast: Do not use this! You cannot use (LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR) to cast a CString to LPCSTR in Unicode projects. ...
CStringtostd::string: CStringcs("Hello");std::strings((LPCTSTR)cs); BUT:std::stringcannot always construct from aLPCTSTR. i.e. the code will fail for UNICODE builds. Asstd::stringcan construct only fromLPSTR/LPCSTR, a programmer who uses VC++ 7.x or better can util...
CString LastNameW(L"Smith"); LPCSTR pszA = CW2A(LastNameW.GetString()); // improper usage, do not do this FunctionForAnsi(pszA); (LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR) cast: Do not use this! You cannot use (LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR) to cast a CString to LPCSTR in Unicode projects. ...
I am using How to convert std::string to LPCSTR? solution as below code solved this problem, LPWSTR ConvertString(const std::string& instr) { // Assumes std::string is encoded in the current Windows ANSI codepage ...
In a class I have a CString called ErrorString. I also have a public method which is used to get the ErrorMessage. #ifdef _UNICODE LPCTSTR GetLastError(void) { return ErrorMessage; } #else LPCSTR GetLastError(void) { return ErrorMessage; } ...