In the address bar of your browser, enter https://FQDN of Finesse Server: 8445/desktop, where FQDN of Finesse Server is the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco Finesse server. Step 2 If your contact center has installed a language pac...
Ces journaux se trouvent dans le dossier /desktop/logs/openfire et sont nommés info.log.Si le client Finesse n'envoie pas de messages http-bind au serveur Finesse, les journaux peuvent indiquer que la session est devenue inactive. 2017.06.17 00:16:...
Desktop Ticker App Always-on Real-Time Visibility with Audio Alerts Comstice Wallboard Ticker app is a click an run application that shows selected performance indicators and always stays active on the screen. It helps agents to monitor the queue even though when they are working remotely. You ...
Cisco Finesse Reverse Proxy VPN-less Access to Finesse Desktop Denial of Service Vulnerability : Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Vulnerabilities :
Integrate customer care and communication with Webex, Finesse, CUCM - Bring teams together with modern Cisco collaboration tools including APIs and SDKs for integration with phone, voice, video, customer support and customer care systems.
I have a CCX 12.5.1 and I'm trying to change how Supervisors are seeing Recent Calls history and Recent States history from Agents. When a Supervisor clicks on "view history" button from an Agent they have this view: As we can see above, it shows the Agent ID from this ...
0 helpful 18 replies 18 if an agent signs in to the finesse desktop and then tries to sign in to a second desktop session on another computer ,on the same finesse server , finesse signs the agent out of the first desktop session .so how to recieve notifications (for nodes...
UniVCX™ includes capabilities such as skill-based routing, video in the queue, video on hold, and integration with Cisco Finesse Desktop, Cisco Jabber, and multiple CRMs. 1 Description UniVCX™ 5.0 adds WebRTC-based secure video, co-browsing, and chat (chatbot and agent-assisted chat) ...
Conferencing CustomerCollaboration UnifiedCommunications ImmersiveSystems IPPhones ConferencingManagement ContactCenter CallControl CommunicationsGateways MultipurposeSystems CollaborationPeripherals VideoConferencing Voiceselfservice CollaborationSystemLicensing TelephonyExtensions PersonalSystems SmartDesktop SoftwareClients Telepresen...
It seems that standard licensing does not allow for access to the Finesse desktop? What is the point of standard licensing then? It makes no sense to me. Upvote 0 Downvote Feb 8, 2017 Thread starter #4 ReallyRotten MIS Mar 11, 2004 362 0 0 CA The correct answer to this is it...