Haven try them but I think it’s lip gloss cum eye shadow palette. Haha. Thanks sweetie!! After that, dearie came to find me and I accompanied him to eat while Gra went home. =) Had a lovely time meeting her. =D =D November 11, 2010Leave a comment Actually now then I realised ...
I am very very touched because hers was a backpacking trip. Imagining carrying my gift(together with all her other friends’ gifts) on her tiny back all the way back to Singapore…somemore she isnt big size to begin with. Awwwww……….thanks so much sweetie!! Rain BFF Hopefully year en...
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Sweetie Tanks!! Each at $9. =D 小碎花! Hee! 篮苹果! Teehee! 可爱兔子! 大花痴. Hahaha. The material is so soft. =) I bought these 2 lovely belts at $10 each last time, together with 2 maxi dresses. How can I miss buying my favorite…..BAGS right??!! Lol!
Sweetie Tanks!! Each at $9. =D 小碎花! Hee! 篮苹果! Teehee! 可爱兔子! 大花痴. Hahaha. The material is so soft. =) I bought these 2 lovely belts at $10 each last time, together with 2 maxi dresses. How can I miss buying my favorite…..BAGS right??!! Lol!
Around 2 weeks ago, I realized my power of sight has deteriorated. Hence, I went to a few spectacle shops to view their different frames as well as prices. I finally settled my new pair atSpectacle Hut, having chosen a titanium frame. In the past, I always dread wearing my specky beca...