chemkintofoam 格式 -回复chemkintofoam格式-回复 什么是化学发泡技术? 化学发泡技术是一种将化学物质通过添加特定的表面活性剂和发泡剂,使其在发泡体系中形成气泡和泡沫的技术。这种技术广泛应用于许多行业,包括建筑材料、汽车制造、航空航天、食品加工等。化学发泡技术通过控制化学反应或物理过程来制造泡沫材料,这些材料...
chemkintofoam格式-回复 化妆品是我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分,而其中一种受欢迎的化妆品是泡沫洁面乳。泡沫洁面乳以其细腻的质地、舒适的使用感和清洁效果而备受青睐。那么,你是否好奇泡沫洁面乳是如何制成的呢?让我们一起来了解一下。 首先,为了制作泡沫洁面乳,我们需要一些基础原料。常见的原料有水、表面活性...
chemkinToFoam not working with therm.dat #1 SOFC New Member Carlos Join Date: Sep 2013 Posts: 2 Rep Power:0 Hi, I have been trying to convert thetherm.datcopied and pasted from particularly reaction nº 7:Surface Reactions: Methane reforming kintetcs within a Ni...
Hello. can someone explain a bit how to use chemkinToFoam to convert the GRI-3 mechanism files; both reactions and thermodynamics file, from chemkin 2
FOAM exiting I have no ideas about this error. Then I tried to use chemkintoFoam utility, but the simulated temperature is so low as I have said . I think I did not provide the correct format of GRI_Mech3.0 to Openfoam, but I do not know how to do it. can you give me some su...