[1] [2] 受辖交易通常分为四类:(1)制造业(Manufacturing),(2)金融、信息与服务(Finance, Information, and Services),(3)采矿、...
Ivan A. SchlagerJohn M. BeahnJonathan M. GafniMalcolm TuesleyJoshua F. GruenspechtJohn P. Kabealo
While the total number of filings declined in comparison to recent years, CFIUS's latest Annual Report to Congress highlights an uptick in penalties and an increased use of enforcement tools relating to national security-focused transaction reviews. August 16, 2024Alert The Committee on Foreign ...
[1] [2] 受辖交易通常分为四类:(1)制造业(Manufacturing),(2)金融、信息与服务(Finance, Information, and Services),(3)采矿、公用事业与建筑(Mining, Utilities, and Construction),(4)批发...
1.《美国财政部海外投资委员会致国会的年度报告》,见 2.CFIUS Executive Order on Evolving National Security Risks and CFIUS Enforcement Guidelines:
2022年9月15日,美国总统拜登发布了一项总统行政令1,就CFIUS对受辖交易进行国家安全审查应考虑的风险提供了明确指引,在CFIUS近50年的历史上属于首次。 行政令重申了针对利用特定外国投资手段获得敏感数据和技术,对美国国家安全造成潜在威胁的行为,美国国家安全审查应作为打击此类行为的有效工具,并明确地将CFIUS的作用、行...
[5] 参见“CFIUS-ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS-CY 2021”, 第45页,available at [6] 此处强制申报项下的“关键技术”定于与TID行业中的“关键技术”定义相同,但符合强制申报要求的关键技术范围更窄,因为只有在该关键技术...
1.《美国财政部海外投资委员会致国会的年度报告》,见 2.CFIUS Executive Order on Evolving National Security Risks and CFIUS Enforcement Guidelines:
[1]“CFIUS reviewed a record number of covered transactions, including 164 declarations and 272 notices.”。相关链接: [2]“控制”指的是通过收购、表决权、代理投票、董事会席位、特殊股权、一致行动安排或其他方式影...