“Hosted by pop culture legends Pat Sajak and Vanna White, Celebrity Wheel of Fortune welcomes celebrity contestants to come spin the world’s most famous wheel and solve word puzzles for a chance to win up to one million dollars. All of the money won by the celebrity contestants wi...
They'll be contestants alongside longtime Wheel of Fortune letter-turner, Vanna White. ET exclusively premieres a sneak peek from the hour-long episode, being billed "Ultimate Host Night" with Jennings raising money for Equal Justice Initiative, Bialik for Mental Wealth Alliance a...
The upcoming episode of “Celebrity Family Feud” promises an exciting showdown as Chrissy Teigen and John Legend take on David Chang. This episode, titled “Chrissy Teigen & John Legend vs. David Chang and Deadliest Catch vs. Star Trek Universe,” features a mix of celebrity contestants that...
Celebrity Jeopardy!: Created by Merv Griffin. With Johnny Gilbert, Ken Jennings, Mayim Bialik, Wil Wheaton. Celebrity contestants compete for a chance to win money for a charity of their choice.