X: supported Support(1) X X X X X X (8 Word) X 3.31 Single wire protocol master interface (SWPMI) The Single wire protocol master interface (SWPMI) is the master interface corresponding to the Contactless Frontend (CLF) defined in the ETSI TS 102 613 technical specification. The main ...
STM32L15xCC STM32L15xRC STM32L15xUC STM32L15xVC Ultra-low-power 32-bit MCU ARM®-based Cortex®-M3, 256KB Flash, 32KB SRAM, 8KB EEPROM, LCD, USB, ADC, DAC Datasheet - production data Features • Ultra-low-power platform – 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 °C to ...
案例:某通信光缆工程全长400km,途径4个地级市,每个地级市有2个县,具体情况如下表。某通信施工公司中标该工程后,交给A分司负责,并给A公司配备了2套熔接设备、2套测试设备;高压气流敷缆设备由A公司租借,租借费用为2000元/天,人员、机械配备由A公司根据情况选配。 案例中,简单项目、小型项目、承包单一的...
某些转述动词后可接that 从句,也可接名词,有些通常只能接其中一种。例如:argue that ...; argue the case/a point/the merits of...; note that ...; note the difference/the importance/an increase; suggest that ...; suggest an approach/a li...