Candace Owens 是 Turning Point USA 的传播总监和政治评论员。在支持特朗普的评论和批评民主党的“黑人的命也是命”(BLM)运动之后,作家兼博主坎迪斯·欧文斯 (Candace Owens) 不再是一个普通的女孩。她还有一个名为“Red Pill Black”的Youtube频道和网站,她一直在利用这个平台宣扬黑人保守主义。 个人资料 早年生...
就在全美国下跪成风的时候,Fox的Candace Owens出来发表了一段18分钟的讲话。 目前这段话已经风靡全美国,获赞无数。同时也被左派媒体们恨之入骨,CNN还断章取义了一段7分钟左右的原视频剪辑,然后煽动全美黑人仇视Owens这样...
EM 还在歌曲《Bad One》里指责 Owens 斯背弃了“自己的种族”。Candace Owens 显然也听到了这些作品。她在自己的 YouTube 频道上长篇大论地回应了 Eminem,并指责他是一个未出柜的同性恋者。“我想说的第一件事是,Eminem 显然是个同性恋者。 他清理了自己的衣柜,但却从未出柜,这让人非常难过。”Owens 引用...
From Candace Owens-What she wants to say to Black America Regarding the death of George Floyd (关于乔治弗洛伊德之死,Candace Owens想对非裔美国人说的话 ) 视频链接: Hello 脸书的家人朋友们, 我最终还是决定要拍这段视频。这件事一直压在我的心上,让我...
“Some people also say that when we get older we get grayer. We know that’s true,” Owens said in a video on her YouTube channel. “But for Eminem, the once hardcore rapper, it seems that he is getting older and gayer. Yes, Eminem might be gay.” The Death of...
Owens later posted on the social media platform after her departure saying she would bring her show to YouTube after a hiatus. The Daily Wire's other co-founder,Ben Shapiro, said back in November that Owens's rhetoric surrounding the Israel-Hamas war has been "absolutely disgraceful," adding...
Explore Candace Owens' music on Billboard. Get the latest news, biography, and updates on the artist.
People who liked Candace Owens's feet, also liked: Sandra Bullock Michelle Pfeiffer Eva Longoria Emma Watson (II) Megyn Kelly Comment section The comment section is intended for intellectual discussions over symmetry and aesthetics. Insultive/bigoted/sexually explicit comments and political discussions ...
Candace Owens, the conservative writer and commentator who co-founded the BLEXIT movement, said she was mulling a presidential run on Twitter over the weekend.
In reaction, Owens proposed that Minaj "accidentally stumbled upon the ministry of truth" by challenging the party that wishes to muzzle anyone who asks questions. Even so, she said the left is playing a "dangerous game." CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP "[This] will likely create more...