The newest category to hit Byrdie Golf’s tee sheet. Designed for cocktail parties, member-guest dinners, evening soirees, and running barefoot on the fairway. We present you a collection that creates a legacy of best dressed women in the clubhouse!
Byrdie Golf Social Wear 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Rachelle Wates 补充道:“我们很高兴能与 Cole Haan 的创意人员合作,推出首款女士高尔夫球鞋限量版 Coastal 系列。“我们在设计 Byrdie Golf Social Wear 时考虑到了女性高尔夫球手的需求,并希望将时尚前卫的单品带入男性主导的行业。我们的目标是在球场内外激发年轻...
Byrdie Golf Social Wear 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Rachelle Wates 补充道:“我们很高兴能与 Cole Haan 的创意人员合作,推出首款女士高尔夫球鞋限量版 Coastal 系列。 “我们在设计 Byrdie Golf Social Wear 时考虑到了女性高尔夫球手的需求,并希望将时尚前卫的单品带入男性主导的行业。我们的目标是在球场内外激发年轻...
Byrdie Golf Social Wear 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Rachelle Wates 补充道:“我们很高兴能与 Cole Haan 的创意人员合作,推出首款女士高尔夫球鞋限量版 Coastal 系列。 “我们在设计 Byrdie Golf Social Wear 时考虑到了女性高尔夫球手的需求,并希望将时尚前卫的单品带入男性主导的行业。我们的目标是在球场内外激发年轻...
Was this the last beer ever poured at the Byrd? (Photo: Tom Zytaruk) The hotel, with its loud, pink “Live Nude Girls” sign, was home to one of the Lower Mainland’s last stripper bars. The Byrd pub, with its stage and brass poles, was set up in the 1970s but the hotel it...