These modes offer different capabilities and produce different API responses. You must select the correct mode as you install the app, and update your frontend to correctly use each mode. It is strongly recommended that you do not switch between modes after installing the Bynder app. This will ...
该SDK的主要目标是加快使用PHP的Bynder客户的集成。 使其更容易连接到Bynder API( )并对其执行请求。 要求和依赖性 PHP SDK需要满足以下条件才能正常工作: ,不建议使用旧版本PHP ,尽管您可以根据需要使用自己的非cURL客户端 Composer应该自动处理所有依赖项。 作曲家包 Bynder PHP SDK是在作为作曲家程序包,可以在以...
Bynder拥有最大的开箱即用集成市场,2023年,这一业务增长了38%。此外,Bynder报告称,其平台的API调用增加了176%,这表明互联生态系统对改善内容运营至关重要。Bynder首席执行官Bob Hickey表示:“随着数字商务的持续加速,品牌需要为客户提供无缝的内容体验。我们的业绩持续逐年增长,并在2023年第四季度达到创纪录的高...
API Apps Print Brand Templates Styleguide Brand Guidelines Digital Brand Templates Studio Bynder Express AI search experience Bynder Websites Operational Degraded Performance Partial Outage Major Outage Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance Maintenance on Content Workflow module Dec 7, 2024 10...
该SDK的主要目标是加快使用Java的Bynder客户的集成,使其更易于连接到Bynder API( )并对其执行请求。 当前状态 目前,该SDK提供了具有以下方法的默认库: 拜恩德服务 OAuthService getOAuthService(); AssetService getAssetService(); CollectionService getCollectionService(); ...
asset: BynderAPIAsset, client: BynderClient ): Promise<{ key: string; name: string; url: string; thumb: string; metadata?: Record<string, string | number>; }> { const metaData: Record<string, string> = {}; await Promise.all( Object.keys(asset).map(async (key) => { if (
In Content Workflow, you can use AI Assist to automate and scale content creation, management, and distribution further. It empowers...
A New Asset Workflow job is created in the Portal or via the API workflow. Job. create Note When an Asset is marked as Archived material, two (2) notifications are sent: When moving an Archived asset from Archive status to Active...
WhenTrue, local copies of images will be refreshed from the Bynder API representation whenever they are selected in the chooser interface. This slows down the chooser experience slightly, but can be useful for seeing up-to-date data in environments that might not be using the management commands...
Bynder allows you to find and share assets from your Bynder DAM in Slack. This ensures that only the most up-to-date assets are shared and helps you keep your brand consistent. Bynder’s DAM empowers