Tactical media are media of crisis, criticism and opposition. This is both the source [of] their power,("anger is an energy": John Lydon), and also their limitation. Their typical heroes are: the activist, Nomadic media warriors, the pranxter, the hacker, the street rapper...
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Focusing on this novel, yet already powerful, technology, Introduction to GridComputing explores state-of-the-art grid projects, core grid technologby Hal Leonard Corp
Design of PLL Using Multi Modulus Devide By 32/33 Prescaler in CMOS 45-Nm TechnologyToday CMOS technology is widely used in Digital Elec- tronic Devices. One of such Electronic devices is Phase- locked loop. A Wide range phase locked loop (PLL) is widely employed in wire-line and wireless...
Budget keeps Mukherjee on topBy Staff Writer