Vegan buckwheat pancakes are healthy, gluten-free, and fluffy pancakes, made with plant-based ingredients. A perfect way to start your day.
Buckwheat is full of robust flavor and fiber. Here, we use flaxseeds instead of eggs to create a clean, vegan banana pancake recipe that everyone will enjoy.
步骤1 香蕉捣碎,加入其它材料混合均匀。 步骤2 不粘锅加热,可以加一点椰子油防粘(也会更好看)。舀入面糊摊成圆饼。朝上的那一面有点干了就可以翻面。 步骤3 可以一次多做,然后冷冻起来,吃的时候从冷冻室拿出来直接放吐司机里烤一下。 无糖无油纯素荞麦香蕉松饼|vegan buckwheat pancakes的小贴士 综合香料,...