Most often-cited and internationally used were the formulas of DuBois, Mosteller, Gehan-George, Haycock, Boyd, Fujimoto and Takahira1鈥 3 . Often used variables were body weight and body height; most often used mathematical operations were fractional arithmetic, root calculation, integral calculation...
This tool estimates BSA from height and weight according to five different equations: Mosteller; Dubois and Dubois; Haycock; Gehan and George; and Boyd. 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应用下载排行榜 UC浏览器 108.05MB 查看 淘宝 70.15MB 查看 QQ 292.25MB 查看 抖...
BSA calculator Formula: Mosteller Formula: bsa = √height (cm) × weight (kg)/60 DuBois & DuBois Formula: bsa = 0.20247 × height (m)0.725x weight (kg)0.425 Haycock Formula: bsa = 0.024265 x height (cm)0.3964x weight (kg)0.5378 ...
Body Surface Area (BSA) Calculator Weight Pounds or kilogramsPoundsKilograms Height Inches or centimetersInchesCentimeters FormulaDuBoisGehan & GeorgeBoydMostellerHaycockFujimoto Results Calculate Reset Definition Body surface area The surface area of the body expressed in square meters (m2). It may be ...