Bre-X黄金丑闻 历史上最大的采矿欺诈 首先从有报道以来最大的黄金矿床开始,在婆罗洲热气腾腾的丛林中的釜山河上游。加拿大公司Bre-X Minerals Ltd.在1993年购买该矿权时并不知道这一点。但是,在Bre-X雇用一位高生命的地质学家绘制矿体图后,该矿床以及发烧的梦想黄金所伴随的金矿,已经达到了巨大的规模。到1997年...
The Aftermath of the Bre-X Minerals Ltd Scandal The Bre-X fraud was perpetrated by the simple act of contaminating core samples with gold dust taken from gold jewelry and other mining sites. With the highly suspicious death of Michael de Guzman in 1997, as well as the subsequent death by ...
Bre-X Minerals Ltd.Subject Areas: Investments. gold mining, securities fraud, securities regulation, financial analysts, emerging markets Case Setting: June 1997, in North AmeSocial Science Electronic Publishing
The pitch I heard from our trader was that one of his stockbroker buddies had loaded up with this junior mining stock called Bre-XMineralsfor pennies a share and it had discovered gold in East Kalimantan, the Indonesian territory on the southern part of Borneo, and he was up millions. I ...
Start with the biggest deposit ofgoldever reported, in the headwaters of the Busang River in the steaming jungle of Borneo. The Canadian company Bre-X Minerals Ltd. didn't know about that when it bought rights to the site in 1993. But after Bre-X hired a high-livinggeologistto map the...
The sea has always interested man.From it he can get food,minerals,and treasure.For thousands of years,he could sail on it.But he could not go far beneath its surface.Man wants to explore deep into the sea.However,he is not a fish.Because he must breathe air,he can not stay under ...
Bre-X minerals and the Busang gold depositDouglas B Silver
The Bre-X Minerals scam sputtered to a conclusion in a Calgary court last week when a judge approved disbursement of the last assets of the bankrupt company. At the height of the scam, in early 1997, the company was claiming it had a mine in Indonesia that could yield 200 million ounces...
Wallace, Wanda A
Reports on Bre-X Minerals Ltd.'s $7 million offshore trust fund which was set up in December 1996, five months before its Indonesian gold find was revealed as a fraud. The monitoring of the firm by Price Waterhouse Ltd.EBSCO_AspMacleans...