If you are unable to meet the engagement requirements for any reason (including reasons such as illness, injury or pregnancy) you must let BPP know immediately. BPP University is unable to waive the engagement requirement but may be able to advise you about the possibility of deferring your pr...
艺术家 范石三、David Jacques、Tabitha Jussa、梁玥、满异、David Penny 主办方 香格纳H空间【已关闭】 (中国 上海市) 分享展讯影子的一课——中英艺术家影像作品交流展简介 《影子的一课》是利物浦的公立摄影艺术画廊OPEN EYE与香格纳画廊的一次精彩携手。展览为您带来六位摄影艺术家的精彩作品。他们以自己的...