Bonchon炸鸡,一家从韩国开向全世界的韩式炸鸡店——曾被New York Times(《纽约时报》)称为是“炸鸡革命”(Fried Chicken Revolution)。“bonchon”在韩语里为“家乡”之意,彰 显着bonchon炸鸡将韩式炸鸡推广全世界的决心。bonchon炸鸡加盟连锁企业凭借独特的“炸两遍”的炸鸡工序和秘密酱料,红遍了全世界,已经在美国...
bonchon炸鸡加盟 bonchon炸鸡加盟——迪拜最好吃的鸡翅 Bonchon炸鸡,一家从韩国开向全世界的韩式炸鸡店——曾被New York Times(《纽约时报》)称为是“炸鸡革命”(Fried Chicken Revolution)。“bonchon”在韩语里为“家乡”之意,彰 显着bonchon炸鸡将韩式炸鸡推广全世界的决心。bonchon炸鸡加盟连锁企业凭借独特的“炸...
从韩国开到美国来的炸鸡店肯定敲 好吃…… 当服务员端着我们点的一大盘Fried Chicken Combo上桌时,我的心里早就按耐不住了,但还是要眼巴巴地等着Bibi拍完照开完光之后才能动手…… Combo的分量适合4人以上的聚餐,既有鸡翅也有鸡腿,同时还可以选择SoyGarlic和Spicy两种口味。 终于可以吃了,我比较喜欢吃鸡腿,于是...
Our signature Korean Fried Chicken starts by hand battering each piece in a thin layer of flour and other secret ingredients. It's the only way to get that perfect ratio of batter to chicken. Double-Fried. Then, each piece is fried, fried. Yep. Twice-fried. Once to lock in all the ...
#美食探店# 炸鸡界的“扛把子”——Bonchon Korean Fried Chicken本村韩国炸鸡,主打蒜香味和甜辣味炸鸡,块块外酥里嫩、鲜美多汁,配上清爽的腌制酸甜萝卜丁,让炸鸡吃起来油而不腻。除了炸鸡,还可以在这里吃到各种小吃,韩式Taco、中式小猪刈包、鲜虾烧麦、煎饺、美式炸虾球、日式章鱼小丸子到乌冬汤面……和炸鸡都...
Bonchon is famous for crunchy Korean Fried Chicken. Our menu features unique recipes and a wide range of Korean comfort foods. Order today!
Bonchon is famous for crunchy Korean Fried Chicken. Our menu features unique recipes and a wide range of Korean comfort foods. Order today!
Bonchon is famous for crunchy Korean Fried Chicken. Our menu features unique recipes and a wide range of Korean comfort foods. Order today!
Bonchon is famous for crunchy Korean Fried Chicken. Our menu features unique recipes and a wide range of Korean comfort foods. Order today!