Italy-based bankBNL, part of the international groupBNP Paribas, has launched a multi-banking service with Open Banking platformTink. This forms part of a wider strategic European partnership between BNP Paribas and Tink, announced at the beginning of 2020. BNL and Tink have worked together to ...
Customer Stories BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas There's a relentless logic in retail banking today. Your most profitable customers have the busiest lifestyles. So the answer's easy. Design your services around the fact they're time poor. Not only will they stay loyal and buy more, but you'll find...
The acquisition marks the importance of retail growth to BNP and the strategic integration impact of the euro. According to BNP chief executive Baudouin Prot, the deal with BNL provides the critical mass needed by BNP.EBSCO_bspBanker
BNLBNPbnlBnlbnp 系统标签: bnlparibasbnpgroupgrisanzioadobe SuccessStoryBNL-BNPParibasGroupTheItaliancreditinstitutionusesmobiledevicesandrichInternetapplication(RIA)widgetsinanengagingapplicationtorecruitnewemployeesBNL-BNPParibasGroup.bnl.itInPartnershipWith01design.01design.itIndustryFinancialServicesChallenges• Desig...
法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)意大利分支机构BNL的工人周一举行罢工,抗议削减后台和IT员工。这是自1990年代以来的首次罢工。 意大利银行业工会表示,这次罢工是“巨大的成功”,并补充说罢工的决心很坚定。 Fabi、First-Cisl、Fisac-Cgil、Uilca和Unisin等工会在一份联合声明中说:“银行的内部办公室彻底人去屋空,仍然关闭...
我详细了解了情况,并看了她带来的检查,血肌酐非常高,考虑她已经是尿毒症了。虽然没有BNP(脑钠肽)的检查结果,但凭症状判断她这是心肾综合征、严重的心衰,也就是慢性肾衰导致的慢性心衰。她的贫血也是肾衰造成的,称肾性贫血。 我建议她住院治疗。但她不想住院,说她父亲还在海南,她一定要去海南看她的父亲。我说...
贝特BNP0805常规系列贴片自恢复保险丝 0.05A-1.1A 贝特品牌 东莞市晶品电子科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥0.4000/片 广东东莞 贝特BNL2920常规系列贴片自恢复保险丝0.3A-5A 贝特品牌 东莞市晶品电子科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥0.3800/PCS 广东东莞 贝特BLL2920低阻系列贴...