平时过账时,真实数据其实是存储在BKPF和BSEG表中的。当然,这些数据会额外的写入BSIS,BSAS,BSAD,BSAK,BSIM和BSIP几个表中(这几个表又被称为secondary index table)。这个额外写入这几个表的动作的目的是可以让某些程序(比如显示行项目的报表——FBL1N,FBL3N,FBL5N等等)在读取数据的时候更有...
Then move to the document tables. Table: VIRADOC Point out: DOCGUID (GUID: RE Doc.) Output Key: (DOCGUID, PROCESSGUID - used by VIRADOCITEM), REFDOCID used by BKPF-AWKEY, PROCESSID used by BKPF-XBLNR Table: BKPF Point out: AWKEY (Reference Key), BUKRS (Company Code), GJAHR (F...
Hi My report having poor performance with BKPF table.For that i am looking for alternative table of BKPF, at the same time which should contain STBLG(Reverse document
I also want to update the custom field data in BKPF table, but i dont know when the BKPF table gets updated in MIRO transaction. Can you help me where the BKPF table will get updated. Is there any BADI for updating the custom fields in table BKPF via MIRO? Thanks and Regards, Vijay...
SAP BKPF_ADD Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in BKPF_ADD table. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3 ...
I would like to get some info on Bus.transaction field in BKPF Table. How does this field gets populated? What does it signify and its functionality? Is there any config in SAP to control this field? Thanks for your reply in advance, Senthil Replies (0) Show replies Show replies You...
至于Table BKPF中记录着Accounting document的Header data,table BSEG中记录着Accounting document中item的信息。PS:BSEG在Query中只能做为basic table,不能被其他表连接! 关于Query的使用技巧,可以参见我的Blog 希望能帮助你! Tao Replies (0) You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already...
为了应对审计导出大量凭证的要求,写了此程序来导出bkpf及bseg表数据,此程序分两种导出方式,导出至本地及导出至服务器,因为数据量巨大,所以也支持后台导出至服务器(导出至本地不支持后台执行,sap服务器没办法把文件写到本地..."用于字段转换位string类型 DATA LT_BKPF TYPE TABLE OF BKPF . DATA LT_BSEG TYPE ...
1、创建开票凭证1.1、前台VF01创建开票凭证1.2、源代码"---@斌将军--- DATA:lt_billingdatain TYPE TABLE OF bapivbrk WITH HEADER LINE, lt_conditiondatain TYPE TABLE OF bapikomv WITH HEADER 创建开票凭证 开票凭证 原创 斌将军 2023-10-19 13:...