网络粗体 网络释义 1. 粗体 LaTeX命令速查手册 - 方法总比问题多 -... ... \mdseries: 中等权重(黑) \bfseries:粗体\em 强调,一般为斜体 ...|基于13个网页
系列离线ac dc切换器比亚迪技术bfseries.pdf,BF1501 Series BYD Microelectronics Co., . Off Line AC/DC Switcher IC General Description Features The THC0X switcher ICs cost effectively re ce all Low start-up current power s up to 5W output power based on
好像\bfseries只能对默认字体加粗,改成其他字体就没法加粗了 我的测试代码如下 这取决于\songti在当前fontset下的定义。如果当前fontset下,\songti对应的 font family 没有配置BoldFont并且字体本身没有 Bold 字重,再而且也没有配置FakeBold,那么\bfseries就不会真的加粗,看起来就没有效果。 目前windows*就没有配置。
类似零件编号 - BFSERIES 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 List of Unclassifed Man...BFS-15W02 434Kb/2PVGA output for 2nd monitor BFS-15W02-S 434Kb/2PVGA output for 2nd monitor BFS-15W02-V 434Kb/2PVGA output for 2nd monitor Balluff Korea Ltd.BFS0001 ...
I'm trying to insert \bfseries to each row of a \makecell command, but it is not compiling. MWE below: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{makecell} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{l} \makecell[{t}{>{\bfseries}l}]{Multi\\Line} \\ % error here! Another Line \end{tabular} \begin...
\mode<presentation> \setbeamerfont{alerted text}{series=\bfseries\boldmath} \setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=blue} \mode <all> The document: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Test} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \alert{This text is alerted.} \alert{$x^2$} can be alerted, too! % mat...
Influence of the processing conditions on the properties of the biferroic $mbox{sffamilybfseries Pb(Fe}_{hbox{sffamilybfseriesfontsize{12}{12}selectfont 1/... The PbFe1 - xNbxO3 ferroelectromagnetic ceramic for x=0,5 (PFN) was obtained by one and two stage method and examined in the ...