Summary. This paper introduces a mathematical framework within which a wide variety of known and new inequalities can be viewed from a common perspective. Probability and expectation inequalities of the follow- ing types are considered: (a) P(ZEA)>=P(Z'~A) for some class of sets A, (b)...
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型号 C1 Pro专业级手机热成像相机 产品介绍 产品参数 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。
在城市里生活平时要出去玩的时候朋友有车而咱们自己没有,这个时候就会觉得有车真是一件好事,也真心羡慕这些人有车出门干什么的都方便。但是在农村里不一样,农村那么大点地方其实并不需要汽车,反而像是摩托车或者三轮车这种车型更实用。 但是为什么都说在农村如果没有一辆自己的汽车会很丢人的,在农村买回来汽车以后...
on the fami1y of trans1ations of a tight probabi1ity measure on a topo1ogica1 groupSummary. Let P be a tight probability measure on an Abelian normal topological group and ~p the family of all its translations ({P(t-1)}). We shall investigate the closed convex hull of the set ~...
但是在农村里不一样,农村那么大点地方其实并不需要汽车,反而像是摩托车或者三轮车这种车型更实用。 但是为什么都说在农村如果没有一辆自己的汽车会很丢人的,在农村买回来汽车以后也只能放在一边吃灰,如果把汽车开上山对于汽车来说也是一种伤害。但事实上还真是如此,虽然都觉得有车没有什么用处,但是买了汽车一到...
on the robustness of rank order tests and estimates in the genera1ized mu1tivariate one samp1e 1ocation prob1emIn an earlier paper [9], the authors developed the theory of rank order tests for location in the multivariate one-sample problem. A later paper [5], dealing with the ...
stochastic programs with recourse a basic theorem for mu1tistage prob1emsNote that this condition does not require independence between random variables appearing in any given stage. We shall impose this condition with some reluctance since it obviously restrict the domain of applicability. As will ...