正确说法应该是what do you mean和what does it mean。 meaning meaning[ˈmiːnɪŋ] n. 意义,意思;真正重要性;价值;目标 adj. 意味深长的 v. 表示…的意思;意思是;;打算;有…的目的 在英语中,虽然meaning可以表示意思,但是外...
成语(Idiom):傍生(bàng shēng)发音(Pronunciation):bàng shēng基本含义(Basic Meaning):指不正当的方式获取财富或地位。详细解释(Detailed Explanation):傍生是一个贬义词语,形容人不靠自己的努力,而是依附于他人或通过不正当的手段获取财富或地位。这个成语中的“傍”表示依附,靠近,而“生”则表示生活、生存。傍...
基本含义(Basic Meaning):抄录是指抄写并记录下来。它通常用来形容按照原文把内容完整地复制下来,不加任何修改。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation):抄录是指将原文逐字逐句地抄写下来,以便保存或传播内容。抄录强调了对原文的忠实还原,不做任何改动或加入个人观点。抄录的目的是为了保留原文的完整性和准确性。
The contribution deals with the need for development in the area of spatial awareness in technical education at the lower secondary level of elementary schools. The author made the research in all grades of an elementary school orientated on the spatial awareness and the ability to...
基本含义(Basic Meaning): 一理指的是一种道理或原则。它强调事物之间的联系和相互关系。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation): 一理是由“一”和“理”两个字组成的成语。其中,“一”表示唯一、统一,而“理”则表示道理、原则。一理强调了事物之间存在的内在联系和相互关系,表达了一种整体性的观念。 使用场景(Usage...
成语(Idiom):美思发音(Pronunciation):měi sī基本含义(Basic Meaning):指思想美丽、观念美好。详细解释(Detailed Explanation):美思是由“美”和“思”两个字组成的成语。美思的基本含义是指思想美丽、观念美好。它强调了人们内心美丽和积极向上的思想。使用场景(Usage Scenarios):美思常常用于形容一个人的思想或观念...
We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. Include my email address so I can be contacted Cancel Submit feedback Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {...
The authors have put all possible caution into ensuring that DB and Ruby cooperate. The memory access was one aspect carefully considered. Since Ruby copies when doing String#new, all key/data retrieval from DB is done with a 0 flag, meaning that DB will be responsible. Seethisnews group ...
Is there a different meaning 是不是别有用心 Or am I overthinking? 难道是我多虑 Hoping and praying 希望着也期盼着 That someday maybe I’ll win 有天我会赢下这场爱情 Open up your heart and let me in 你会打开心门让我进去 (2)
Which one has the same meaning as the word "bedrock price"? A.the highest priceB.the lowest priceC.the proper priceD.the reduced price 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 环境设计中常用的思维方式包括( )。 A.逻辑思维 B.形象思维 C.逆向思维 D.发散思维 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 表面张...