Size Chart You must prepare two dimensions: erection length and erection girth. Pump Name MANUFACTURER’S MAXIMUM GROWTH SPECSRECOMMENDED FOR CURRENT SIZE LENGTHGIRTHLENGTHGIRTH Hydromax3(new)5.5 inches (14.0 cm)5.0 inches (12.7 cm)Up to 3.0 inches (7.6 cm)Up to 3.3 inches (8.4 cm) ...
*Bathmate各型号尺寸区分可上官网查询:实测数据 X30实测数据与官方数据基本吻合,管体粗度与一代大力士基本相同。 送TA礼物 1楼2013-11-06 11:25回复 81MANcom 崭露头角 2 使用方法 由于Bathmate二代X系列(Hydromax)水源增大泵和一代一...
So I used a condom to limit girth expansion and ever since then I have completely gone off the chart of my Hydromax X30. My dong can hit the top of the pump, and would probably be 190mm if the chart extended that far. My confidence ridiculous and I don't feel small anymore. I ...