TWI接口(20(SDA)和21(SCL)):支持通信接口(兼容I2C总线)。 3.AREF:模拟输入信号的参考电压。 4.Reset:信号为低时复位单片机芯片。 The MEGA 2560 is designed for more complex projects. With 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs and a larger space for your sketch it is the recommended board for...
PWM输出口, 14路(8位,对应于0-256) I2C I2C通信 Two pins 20 and 21 support I2C communication where 20 represents SDA (Serial Data Line mainly used for holding the data) and 21 represents SCL(Serial Clock Line mainly used for providing data synchronization between the devices) SPI SPI通信 SPI...
2. 外部接口在2011版本基础上增加了sda、scl(位置在aref的左侧)。ioref接口可以提供给shield一个电压参考。并且为了将来的系列产品兼容性考虑ioref左侧预留一个端口。 3.reset电路比2011版本有所改进。防止reset意外复位,reset电路更加稳定。 arduino mega简介: ...
目前支持标准的 Arduino Uno、Pro Micro、Mini、Mega 和我自己构建的特殊版本。 要添加对其他 Arduino 的支持,请查找 #if 定义 (ARDUINO_AVR_XXXX) 部分。 这是 Arduino 环境用于板定义的名称。 为每个引脚添加一个 _defPin(pinNumber, PORT, PIN) 组合。 还添加了 SS、MOSI、MISO、SCK SDA、SCL 和 LED_...
我有一个与Arduino Uno的A4 (SDA)和A5 (SCL)引脚相连的I2C 16x2液晶显示器。显示器没有问题,它工作正常。然后我有一个旋转编码器连接到引脚D3 (INT1)和D4。使用INT1引脚作为中断读取编码器,并通过Serial.print()将读取的数据发送到串行监视器。有连接到旋转编码器的去抖动盖。编码器引脚使用Arduino的内部上...
addresses from 0 to 7 are not used because are reserved so the first address that can be used is 8. Please note that a pull-up resistor is needed when connecting SDA/SCL pins. Please refer to the examples for more informations. MEGA 2560 board has pull-up resistors on pins 20 - 21 ...
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible both with the board that use the AVR, which...
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible both with the board that use the AVR, which...
TWI: 20 (SDA) and 21 (SCL). Support TWI communication using the Wire library. Note that these pins are not in the same location as the TWI pins on the Duemilanove or Diecimila. The ADK has 16 analog inputs, each of which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values)....
The Arduino Mega revision R3 adds SDA and SCL pins next to the AREF. In addition, there are two new pins placed near the RESET pin. One is the IOREF that is meant to allow shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. The other is a not connected and is reserved for fut...