They clearly put a lot of work into both preparing this definition and advocating for it, and I shall take their word that they did so in good faith, despite the above. It must be rewarded with a considered reply, which I shall trust will also be treated with good faith. If they are...
of the discussion, as well as causes the other side to assume that we don’t care. Too many of us do, and too well. Everything else, in a world where once we’re born we’re all essentially reduced to statistics, is little more than a pointless exercise in biological semantics. ...
Define antishock. antishock synonyms, antishock pronunciation, antishock translation, English dictionary definition of antishock. adj 1. Also: antishocks designed to reduce the force of impact 2. military used to treat blood loss or fractures in wounded
A family ofalgebrawith a well-foundedsemanticsused for modelling the data stored in relational databases, and defining queries on it. The main operations of the relational algebra are thesetoperations (such asunion,intersection, andcartesian product), selection (keeping only some lines of atable) ...
of the discussion, as well as causes the other side to assume that we don’t care. Too many of us do, and too well. Everything else, in a world where once we’re born we’re all essentially reduced to statistics, is little more than a pointless exercise in biological semantics. ...
Definition of Deixis A deixis is, roughly speaking, is potentially context- dependent linguistic expression and typically anchoring in the perspective of the speaker. Its interpretation depends directly and primarily on features of the context involved, such as the speaker and addressee, their location...
D. Engel,“Away fromaDefinition of Antisemitism: An Essayinthe SemanticsofHistoricalDescription,”inRethinking EuropeanJewishHistory,ed. M.J. Rosman andJ. Cohen(Oxford: Litt-man Library ofJewish Civilization,2009), 30–53 argues against the use of thisterm asacate-gory inJewish history,...
There are also many useful built-in functions people seem not to be aware of for some reason:min()andmax()can find the minimum/maximum of any sequence with comparable semantics, for example, yet many people write their ownmax()/min(). Another highly useful function isreduce()which can be...
Thus, to identify the semantics of anti-Semitic utterances is to understand the mental attitude towards Jews. Verbal structures do not only construct negative conceptualizations of Jews but they also reproduce them continually and hence validate the existence of mental anti-Semitism in the cultural ...
“@Kinsella: RE: “It seems to me that a legitimate definition of capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production” “Why? Assertion?” This debate is at least partly about the meaning of terms–semantics. I think many leftists are reluctant to admit this because although in...