Set on the fictional planet of Baldur, it’s about a playboy named Simon Kress who doubles as an exotic animal collector and one day comes across a terrarium filled with creatures called sandkings… and what happens next becomes the kind of dark adventure that only GRRM can write....
Game of Thrones stumbled badly in its final two seasons – without GRRM’s source material to draw from, the show moved at an accelerated rate to wrap up the saga of who would win the Iron Throne as well as the apocalyptic threat posed by the White Walkers. But when GoT worked, it ...
So sit back, relax and get ready to have your head exploded with knowledge! [su_lightbox type=”inline” src=”#my-custom-popup”] Say Hello [/su_lightbox] Or Don’t >> The Choice is Yours <<
Don’t fall in! Bran– and crew approach the night fort. While camping inside Bran tells a creepy tale of a cannibal cook that is partially lifted (by Martin) from Herodotus (the first historian back in our world). They think they hear a ghost, quite effectively, but it’s just Gilly...
Here at the end, we see several characters transformed. Jon embraces his new identity, while to the south his half-brother is acclaimed King in the North. What did you think of how GRRM brings each of these narrative threads to a provisional close?
With me as always is the beautiful and brilliant Nikki Stafford, who has not read the books, and will offer the perspective of one who does not know what’s coming. HOWEVER, as mentioned last week, this season looks primed to depart from GRRM’s script in significant ways, and this ...
GRRM and D&D might kill him (or anyone) off. This all must be tough on Sansa, but she has really come a long way and play along admirably. Ramsay too is playing a role, because we know what kind of a whackjob he is. He tells Littlefinger he “will never hurt her.” And that...
All that talk has been originating from people like David Gerrold, GRRM, Vonda “I’ll Walk With You” McIntyre, and assorted other twerps who seem to really want to see fisticuffs. Every one of them too fat and/or too old to get out of their own way as well. That’s because you ...
As with the books, Season 1 still has the most dramatic and complex narrative. ReallyA Game of Thronesis a near perfect novel. GRRM’s ability to introduce such a vast range of characters, detailed world, and tell such a complex story is brilliant. Dany’s narrative in S1 / AGOT mirrors...
Varys visits Tyrion and delivers news of further humiliations. I swear GRRM looks at every character every chapter and says: “on the way up, take ’em down. On the way down, take ’em up.” The Ty/Varys interaction this season has been great as both actors are spectacular. Shae is ...