11. CBD oil and ADHDCannabidiol (CBD) is obtained from hemp which is almost devoid of THC, which is the chemical in marijuana that gives you a high. In fact, by law, hemp must contain no more than 0.3 percent THC to be considered hemp, otherwise, growers are at risk of prosecution ...
“We are unaware of data showing that health care providers became more likely to prescribe medications to a child with the diagnosis of ADHD during the past 2 decades. Therefore, we are unable to comment on whether changes in prescribing practices may have contributed to the observed increase i...
Since the pharmacological medications are not specific to the treatment of ADHD rather they only treat the symptoms, it only seems logical to have the symptoms be treated via natural substances. But the natural substances are often unrefined and may include some toxic elements to them. Hence, we...
“The feedback mechanism within neurofeedback trains the brain into more adaptive waves that increase focus and decrease hyperactivity, thereby allowing the brain to function optimally without the need for ongoing stimulant medications that carry with them negative side effects.” It is a non...
*** It is important to note that although goat cheese and eggs are rich in protein, and as a result, could improve your child’s focus and the effectiveness of his ADHD medications, some children have egg and milk allergies that may trigger or worsen ADHD symptoms. Therefore, exercise caut...
Whether you or your child struggles with ADHD, or you find you lack concentration and focus as you age, the inability to focus and on stay on task can be daunting. However, you don’t need to resort to prescription medications with unwanted side effects to rectify this problem. Instead, ...
If you’re like most parents, psychiatric medications like Ritalin might seem an obvious choice to improve your child’s school and family life (because let’s face it:an ADHD diagnosis can impacteveryoneinvolved). Drugs are an “easy” choice but not always what a parent wants to turn to...