In addition, the GISS process can give improved properties such as decreased porosity and increased microstructure uniformity. Key words:ADC12 aluminum alloys; semi-solid die casting; gas induced semi-solid (GISS); rheocasting 1 Introduction For many years aluminum parts have been used inseveral ...
关键字:ADC12铝合金;压铸;慢压射速度;超低速;显微组织;力学性能 MicrostructureandmechanicalpropertiesofADC12aluminumalloyundersuperslowspeeddiecastingswithlowshotspeed JILian-qing1,GUOChang-jiang1,XIONGShou-mei2,MasayukiMurakami3,YoshihideMatsumoto3,ShingoIkeda3,LIUKun1 (1.CollegeofMechanicalandElectricalEngineering...
3、超低速;显微组织;力学性能中图分类号:TG249.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:16727207(201003097705Microstructure and mechanical properties of ADC12 aluminum alloy under super slow speed die castings with low shot speedJI Lian-qing1, GUO Chang-jiang1, XIONG Shou-mei2, Masayuki Murakami3,Yoshihide Matsumoto...
The optimized value of the start position of high-speed injection stage exists at the same low speed, and α(Al branches are very small and the properties of castings are better at the start position of 260 mm. Key words: ADC12 aluminum alloy; die casting; low shoot speed; super slow ...
Propertiesof ADC12 Die-casting Aluminum AlloyZHAO Songying, SHI Yifan(School of Energy and Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China)Abstract院Based on the chemical composition of ADC12 die-casting aluminum alloy, additional 2% Cu and 4%Cu wereadded in aluminum alloy. ...
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Key words:ADC12 aluminum alloy; die casting; low shoot speed; super slow speed(SSS); microstructure; mechanical properties 摘要:采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、X线衍射和能谱等显微分析技术, 结合力学性能检测, 研究超低速压铸条件下慢压射速度对ADC12铝合金铸件显微组织及力学性能的影响,以优化超低速压铸工艺及其参...