Convert from millimeters Convert from nanometers Convert from nautical miles Convert from picometers Convert from yards Convert from clicksCalculator Use To use this converter, just choose a unit to convert from, a unit to convert to, and then type the value you want to convert. The result wil...
Cubic meters 0.0005 500 Milliliters to other volume units: Lambdas 500000 Drops 10000 Minims (Imperial) 8446.8191346897 Minims (Us) 8115.3654484417 Drops (Us) 6086.5240863322 Drops (Medical) 6002.4009603842 Drops (Imperial) 5068.0914808155 Dashs (Us) 1623.0730896884 Dashs (Imperial) 1351.4910615496 Pinchs...