释义 transit port 中转港; 实用场景例句 全部 It also does away with split deliveries and presorting according to destination and transfer points. 还能去除分批装运和装运前按照目的港和转口港提前分类. 商贸英语会话 Hong Kong is the most important entrepot for trade between the EU and the Mainland....
英汉-汉英词典 zhuǎn kǒu gǎng transit port port of reshipment port of trans-shipment 用户正在搜索 canful, cang, canga, cangia, cangue, caniche, canicola fever, Canicula, canicular, canicular days, 相似单词 转借人, 转借者, 转矩, 转开, 转口, 转口港, 转口货物, 转口贸易, 转力矩...
是什么意思 n. 仓库,货物集散地,转口港; 英英释义 entrepot[ 'ɔntrəpəu ] n. a port where merchandise can be imported and then exported without paying import duties "Bahrain has been an entrepot of trade between Arabia and India since the second millennium BC" ...
转口港 转口港是指以从事转口贸易为主的港口,很多时候专门指东方国家与西方国家转口贸易。转口港 【著名的转口港】香港维多利亚港 深圳盐田港 上海洋山港 台湾高雄港 中东杜拜 【历史上的转口港】琉球国那霸港