踏出一条路 900 字作文 英文回答: Embarking on a new path in life is both exhilarating and daunting. It is a journey filled with unknowns and uncertainties. However, it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. When I decided to take a leap of faith and step onto a new roa...
初中生记叙作文 900 字篇 1 夜深人静了,灯火如远飞的萤火虫,越来越昏暗。窗帘不断地被 冷风掀起,与风共舞。书桌上放着妈妈刚刚送来的一杯龙井,不断冒 着热气,浓郁的茶香渐渐充斥了整个房间。我看着书上那几行密密麻 麻的字,只觉得眼前越来越暗…… 不知不觉间,我似乎来到了那个战火纷飞的年代,国家生灵...