作用和基本形式 “教育”一词,在中国最早见于《 孟子·尽心上》:“得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。”《说文解字 》:“教 ,上所施,下所效也。”“育,养子使作善也。” 教育是培养人的一种社会活动。从广义上说,凡是增进人们的知识和技能、影响人们思想品德的活动,都是教育。狭义的教育,主要指学校教育。教育一...
2) 3-metric space 3-距离空间 1. A common fixed-point theorem for a series of contraction mappings on p-metric space is also given, in which the metric space 2-metric space and 3-metric space are the special cases of p-metric space. 其距离空间、 2-距离空间和3-距离空间都是p-距离...
6) Cementless 非骨水泥 1. Total Hip Arthroplasties with Tapered Titanium-alloy Cementless Femoral Components; 锥形钛合金非骨水泥股骨柄全髋关节置换术34例随访一年X线结果分析 2. Analysis of clinical effect using Zweymüller cementless hip prosthesis for hip joint disease; Zweymüller非骨水泥型髋关...
1. A Natural Formation Mechanism of the Abnormal Rotation of Venus andMercury; 金星水星异常自转的自然形成机制 2. The method of transit prediction ofMercury(Venus) as well as the method of drawing the transit map are described in this paper. ...
2) language dictionary 语文词典 1. Modernization of Chinese language dictionary compilation; 汉语语文词典编纂的现代化 2. The typical features of language dictionary can be analyzed in three aspects: range of vocabulary,definition,and potential readers. 语文词典的典型特征可从收词范围、释义内容、...
1.玩过暗黑的人都知道,当你的人物一不小心……,屏幕上就会出现“你挂了”,即:生命值hp减到0……; 2.qq一族经常被人说“你怎么长在网上挂着”,这里的“挂”表示在线; 其他原始的意思自己在字典里找吧 【gua】 挂 hang; hitch; put up; ring off; ...
1. Virtual Prototype Design ofParallel-Two-StageReusable Launch Vehicle; 并联两级可重复使用运载器动力学虚拟样机设计 更多例句>> 2) PCGC 并行级联Gallager码 1. The computer simulation results prove that the stop criteri-ons could reduce the computation complexity of thePCGCdecoder with negligible perfor...
1) Crossing illegally the frontier 偷越国(边)境罪 例句>> 2) Illegally Cross the National Border 偷越边境罪 3) Stowaway Away 边境罪偷渡 4) Sino-Vietnamese Border 中越边境 1. A Study of Cross Border Marriage in theSino-Vietnamese BorderRegions:A Case of AiJiang Village,DaXin county,Guangxi...
在国家、省市等有关部门的正确领导和大力支持下, 2000年示范园被哈尔滨团市委命名为“哈尔滨市青年科技示范基地”,2001年,被市委宣传部和市教委联合命名为“哈尔滨市青少年绿色农业实践基地”,被国家旅游局评为“国家aa级旅游景区(点)”、2003年被评为“黑龙江省旅游示范点”,并作为黑龙江省农业上唯一一家被推荐评选...