专四成绩对于英专生来说很重要,考试的目的是全面检查已学完英语专业四级课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,考核学生运用各项基本技能的能力以及学生对语法结构和词语用法的掌握程度,既测试学生的综合能力,也测试学生的单项技能。如果你连专四考试都没通过,那你就不是一个合格的英专人。 本文会实时动态更新,...
篇1:英语专四考试真题及答案 TEXT B (1) Travelling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business,I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams’ master work “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” on the radio and thought-I know,I’ll pick up the next hi...
英语专四真题及参考答案英语专业四级考试真题及参考答案 PARTIII LANGUAGE USAGE There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence or answers the question. Mark hour answers on ANSWER ...
今天给各位英专生小伙伴准备的是:2024年英语专业四级(专四)真题及参考答案(完整版)。成绩分为三个等级:60-69分合格;70-79分良好;80分以上优秀。听写(作答题)10分;听力理解(选择10分,作答10分);语言知识(选择)20分;完形填空(选择)10分;阅读理解20分;写作20分,总共100分。 微信扫描下方二维码 关注...
2024 年 4 月 19 日英语专四 TEM4 真题及答案[完整编排版] ants05 1 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2024) -GRADE FOUR- TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will ...
英语专四真题及答案解析 T E S T F O R E N G L I S H M A J O R S(2015)-G R A D E F O U R- PART I DICTATION PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Conversation one 1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip? A. The return trip is too expensive. B...
2000年专四听力答案 PART I DICTATION What We Know About Language Many things about language are a mystery and will remain so. / However, we now do know something about it. / First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. / No human race anywhere on earth is so ...
转自:大民说英语 来源:上海外语教育出版社,仅供学习交流,侵删专四词汇语法 | 汇总英语专业四级备考资源汇